Friday, 30 August 2019


Dedication can be towards many aspects of life. But according to me dedication towards our goal is a characteristic which we all should develop in our self. The life becomes meaningless if we are not dedicated towards living it. We are on this Earth for a limited period of time and hence it is not wise to waste living life without being dedicated towards the dreams we aspire to make true.

Our world today is full of distractions. We have to play multiple roles and please many around us because that is what our society wants us to do as a social responsibility. This social responsibility does not help us in any way other than making us social. Thus it's wise to limit such distractions. Yes we should do our responsibility towards the society we live in but not at the cost of our aims and aspirations. The only person we should be conscious about is us.  

It may sound selfish to many but in the long run it proves to be true. Our life has been divided into phases. We can distinctly mark each phase apart. These phases are new beginnings where everything around us changes along with our responsibilities. This is a unique phenomenon because in some years time all the things we did right or wrong will not matter any more. But the progress we have made towards our dream goal will matter and be with us till the end. Failure in doing this will result in a great regret for the remainder of life.

Etching out time from all the things we are supposed to do is important to accomplish the things we are supposed to accomplish. It does not harm any one in any way, rather it ensures that we are available for ourselves. This dedication is an absolute necessity if we want to accomplish anything in our life. Everything we dream of can be achieved. It is upto us whether we want to work for it or dream about it only. The second thing that is an absolute necessity to inculcate dedication is learning of art of saying NO. It is not being negative, rather it is a tool that enables us to keep our plate clean so as to add things that are more valuable to us. Sacrificing the present is not advisable. But we should learn the art to delay satisfaction for success in the long run. It is advisable to learn and evolve at every opportunity we have in hand. Our time is limited and hence we can not afford to spend it pleasing other people. Those who are destined to stay will stay. We on the other hand should give our dream the blood and sweat it needs. This dedication coupled with hard work is the only strategy for success known. Dive all in and work. Inculcating dedication in this world full of distractions is not a choice but a necessity for the long run. Believe it and it would be rewarding in ways unimaginable.. 

Wednesday, 28 August 2019


Growing human population has been a curse on the environment. The damages sustained by the natural resources is immense and this trend has all the signs of intensifying in the near future. Among several ways in which humans damage and exploit the nature, one that is very prominent is the damage to the flora. This has been termed as deforestation. This mindless cutting down of trees is due to the ever increasing demand for land, timbre, firewood etc by the growing population. 

The forest cover is decreasing for every continent. The major cause for this depleting green cover is human wants but nature also plays a very minute role. There are countries today who have lost more than 50 percent of their forest cover. This loss of green cover leads to many problems. Some prominent ones are global warming, changing climatic regimes, floods, droughts etc. To curb the problems and increase the forest cover a global initiative has been in play to bring back the lost green cover and many obligations have been distributed to make this happen. This major initiative involves massive afforestation.

Afforestation without any doubt can be a boon to bring back what is lost. But the results are not inspiring. This is not the case with any one country, rather the program is showing similar trends world over. The cause behind this is the program not being carried out in a sensible and scientific way.

The world is divided into several climatic regions. Each region has its own unique characteristics and thus the approach should be different. There have been cases where local species have been avoided and alien species have been chosen for afforestation programs. The reasons for choosing such species are many such as more carbon sequestration ability, fast growing, wider canopy, wider root cover etc. But these choices have failed and have resulted into habitat destruction for many other species. They have invaded and have destroyed the indigenous plants which were more suited to such conditions. In other cases the mass afforested lands have degraded as these plants were  not able to survive in the prevalent conditions.

Sensible approach is needed to mend these problems mentioned above. Afforestation carried out in a scientific way can be helpful. Community involvement in this afforestation program will make the program sustainable. It will also help the local people along with ensuring the survival of the saplings. The world community should approach the situation only after a proper ground study. This will ensure that duplication of program does not occur in turn saving the resources. Damage has been done and it is upon us how we tackle the upcoming future i.e whether in the current way or in a more sensible way..

Sunday, 25 August 2019


Turmoil is the reality of life. Life is full of challenges and struggles leading to a destination we all seek. These times of turmoil are the best teachers we have. They are patient and leave us be only when we have grasped the truth it wanted to teach.

The times which are somewhat not undulating are stable times. But the truth about stability is that it fades away. It should never be considered permanent state of affairs. The word status quo is just absence of thought for time being. The world is itself not stable. It's in a constant struggle to keep things as they are but change seeps in anyhow. Life is no different. We keep working from one problem to another. Each problem being uncharted waters which are unstable and dangerous. The struggle never stops and this is what keeps us alive.

Amid all these things what keeps us together is our state of mind. A person who is calm can achieve anything. Calm is a superpower. The superpower is of being unaffected by the turmoil and keeping a sanely positive outlook towards the situation at hand. As mentioned many times earlier, happiness is a choice. Every situation can be looked into through the lens of happiness. A well trained mind is no myth. It's a mind that has mastered calm and is able to look at the brighter side which is nothing but choosing to be happy. It's simple yet complex in its core value.

The flame of a lamp is a good example which can be compared to a human mind. The flame trembles at the touch of the slightest of wind. The very nature of the flame is to give light. Amid all the difficulty it still tries its best to be stable and never deviate from its core value. Its hard but human mind can be trained with experience to struggle yet remain calm. This calm will keep the focus on the core values of life. Life is a continuous process of learning. All the emotions are filled in this journey. But amid all these it's a calm person who keep his/her mind sane enough to look at everything through the glasses of happiness. Never run behind stability. It's an illusion. Try to face everything with a clear intuition which will help you master calm. And when you have mastered calm, you are powerful enough to master living.. 

Friday, 23 August 2019


All days are not the same. Our energy varies from day to day. The days we accomplish the most are the days when our energies are high. Then there are the sluggish days when we do not feel like doing anything and as a result we accomplish less on those days.

It is normal to have sluggish days in between days filled with hard work. These days are a welcome change to break the monotonous lifestyle which comprises of filling the hours with work to get more out of the 24 hours we have. It becomes an issue only when these days last longer than 24 hours.

To accomplish the goals set in life we need to work hard. There is no other known way to do this. Goals are the big tasks that need our dedication to become true. A small bit of work dedicated towards that goal every single day will ultimately lead to that final destination. These small things that we accomplish everyday have a great impact on our lives and keeps us faithful to the goal. The higher is the bar set for the goal, the more work it needs to be put into it. Thus the days with monotonous routines are valuable and ultimately lead us to our destination.

On the other hand the sluggish days have their own benefits. People often loose themselves in the process to make their dreams come true. Dedication towards one's dream is important but not at the cost of one's true nature. The off days help us to connect to our true selves. This connection is important because it keeps us aware of who we really are and how far we have come. These days are also important because they help us analyse our way of working and make necessary adjustments if needed. Off and sluggish days are the days that are crucial to drive those other days we call as busy days. Adding to that is the fact that life is about living as well as working hard. The part where we live are actually confined to the days that are sluggish. Those little delights that we enjoy and fill us with happiness like reading a book, cuddling in bed, cooking etc are important and keeping a day for relishing them is no fault. 

Enjoying the day and at the same time being sorry to have lived that way does more harm. It is no crime to have me time. In fact it is a crime not having me time because you are intentionally harming yourself. Relish such days when you can breathe and live life to the fullest. As earlier said life is not in living from one point to another rather it's actually these small happy moments that make up one's life and are truly the memories that they would relish later. After reaching at a destination and looking back, the days of struggle keeps us humble but these days of joy give the feeling of a life lived and not lost to the struggles..

Tuesday, 20 August 2019


The group we hang out with truly defines us and our personality. Some can also say that our personality is shaped by the people we choose to hang out with. It is rightly said that we are as good as the circle we choose to be in.

People learn from their surrounding. They seek traits from all sort of sources, other people being the most important of these sources. Thus it is advisable to choose these people wisely. The group you want to be in should be in every way supportive and enriching. The result of choosing a wrong group to hang out with can be disastrous. It can result into complete deviation from the path you aimed to trail upon. Our focus thus while choosing our group should be on quality because quantity in no way helps in this race called life.

Leadership is an important quality in today's society. People who have such influential qualities are always of great value for corporates. This value is inculcated in us by the group we choose to be in. They are the people who support for a growth with pure heart and have healthy criticism to offer which moulds our character further. Life skills can be learnt. The thing that is crucial is that we choose the right source to learn them so that they don't backfire on us.

Taking about life skills, another important trait in leadership is mutual growth. Leaders lead the way so that everyone under them can achieve their aspirations. While being in a group we learn to have this mutual feeling of growth. Members together grow and handle the setbacks together. This the very reason that we find little contrast in a group which has been built with the primary aim of building mutually. Billionaires prefer the company of other billionaires in their group because this group would help them grow, learn from other members mistakes and most importantly handle the set backs together.

The value of things can never be known until we look back on their influence on us as a person. Similarly the value added to us by our group can only be known when we look back and analyse the sources of the traits in us that we value today. Almost every such trait must have been developed by being in the company of that select few or have been perfected by them. Having an influential group is very crucial but choosing those select few should not be done in haste. People add up at every stage of our life. We have to be the judge to know who are worth keeping and who are just for the time being. After all life is in the quality and not quantity..

Sunday, 18 August 2019


Almost all of us are maximalist. The term maximalist is nothing but a term describing our capitalist and gatherer mindset. The gatherer mindset is embedded into our human system. But it has been pushed beyond the satisfaction line due to the growing capitalist ideology. Capitalist ideology is the outcome of growing demands which empowered the market to take steps to meet the demands. These demands are no longer restricted to basic needs of existence rather it has gone much beyond that. This extra things that are excess to our basic needs are nothing but cutter that have influence on our minds and robs away our peace of mind not to forget the financial burden it puts on our daily lives.

The mindset that counteracts to the above is termed as minimalism. These are just terms. They can be called with different names but the thing that is important is the ideology which has the impact on our mindset. The minimalist mindset is one that helps an individual to satisfy himself/herself with the bare minimum. This guides us to do away with the things that are not used in our day to day lives. This ideology does not limit itself only to things, rather it is very broad including our thoughts and time. The thoughts that are in no way going to enrich us are done away with. This decluttering of thoughts gives back to us our valuable time which could be instead used to enrich our soul with healthy thoughts. Similarly minimalist ideology also tells us to limit wastage of time by doing things that are not that important. To explain this we can sight the example of our mobile phone addiction. This simple device robs us 6 to 7 hours of our day on an average. We spend hours mindlessly scrolling the newsfeed or getting entertained. If we limit this wastage of time we would have time left to do things that would actually bring us closer to our loved ones.

Minimalism is simply a way of living simply. When incorporated into our lives it can result into wonders. More time to do things we love. Better family relations. More time available to pursue our passion that can enrich our souls and make us truly happy. And above all it can save us a lot of money. Minimalist living helps us focus only on what's important in our lives. This helps us do away with the societal pressure to impress. It helps us to overcome the fear of other people's judgement of ourselves which actually neither happens nor should it matter to us in anyway. Thus we start avoiding the blind race for the new. The new fashion, the new gadget etc are all things that are not our needs rather our demands which are taught to us by the society. Minimalism is the filter that keeps all these unwanted stuff out of our lives for good.

A life free from clutter is a life full of happiness. Once you let the unwanted out, your vision becomes clear enough to focus only on the essentials. This clutter free living attracts opportunities, happiness into relationships and financial security for the years to come. The time and effort saved can be productively used in many ways that helps an individual to grow and flourish. Minimalist principle can vary as per ones needs. This versatility is what that makes it so popular. There are innumerable references and guides that can help one understand minimalism better and help to adopt it into ones life. The results are so attractive that once you start experiencing them, you long to take those further. This is a life that's fulfilling on its own. Give minimalism a try and I am sure you will never wanna leave it..

Friday, 16 August 2019


Remuneration for working hard is the driving force for the masses all around us. For most of them this remuneration is in form of monetary gain. There are indeed very few people who are lucky to have remuneration for their passion. For those people, life is good because passion is a greater driving force than money.

Turning ones passion into profession is hard struggle. The society always judges those people with the eyes of morale because they try to do things in a way different from masses. These people have the courage to take the road less travelled. At the end of this road there can be success and satisfaction for life. While sometimes these people get lost in the hardships that this road throws at them. The thought of getting lost should not discourage you from taking the less travelled path. Life is a gamble full of risks. If we do not take risks then how can we expect great results. The prospect of success is more attractive than getting pulled into life's daily grind that crushes the creativity of an individual.

For majority of the people life is living from paycheck to paycheck. This is indeed a life having less risk of failure. But this is also the life with zero prospects of growth. When life becomes a daily grind then it loses its interest. People who postpone happiness for later period of life as they are too busy in their daily grind lose the opportunity to live fully. When one's passion becomes one's daily driver then its a life flourishing with prospects of growth and financial success. Both of them compliment the happiness that is already etched into such a living.

People have passion and then people have aim. Very few have these both combined. While the few who have the courage to think end up not giving a try due to societal pressure. In the simplest way this flow of thoughts can be summarised as living for the passion and avoiding making life a daily grind for earning the so called paycheck which is supposed to fill your life with happiness. Happiness is a choice but it becomes easier to make that choice when life is fulfilling and exciting. For that to be true the most important trait to develop is courage. Courage can help you chose your passion above society and above all. It will lead you through the struggles of the road less travelled. And in the end life becomes happier, soul becomes enriched and success leads your way..

Wednesday, 14 August 2019


Happiness is perhaps the most desired feeling. People do a great extent of things so as to achieve happiness. Some people work very hard and accumulate a lot of riches in search for happiness. These people associate happiness with riches. They consider happiness to be a destination. When they accumulate riches and still don't feel happy, they spend those riches on materialistic possessions in hope to find that long desired happiness. But most often than not they get disappointed.

Happiness is a very powerful feeling, this is true. But what else is true is the fact that happiness is a choice. Every situation of life offers us two choices. One is to get the negative side and react accordingly. The other is to look for the positive side and choose to be happy. The second trait is rare. People react easily and showcase natural feelings like anger, sorrow etc but rarely choose to be happy. This is probably because of the misconception they have about happiness being a destination.

Some people live a more fulfilling and happy life than others. This is because these people choose to be happy. But the most important thing about them is that they do not associate happiness with some costly materialistic possession rather they know the secret of finding content in the small things that life offers. Simple things like birds chirping, sight of the rising sun, feeling of the wind blowing on the face, smile of a baby etc are abundant and can fill the soul with happiness only if one chooses to recognise them.

Life is a journey. Its short. The purpose of life is to live happily. If we postpone happiness to the later years in search for materialistic happiness, we are destined to die unhappy, having never lived at all. All other feelings are natural reactions but happiness is a choice. God had this planned for the souls to be fulfilled even in the harsh conditions that life throws at them. At times of war people see destruction. But the souls that are enriched can etch out happiness in such harsh scenarios because they have the eye to find the smallest of things that can make them happy. The simple sight of a grass growing on a war torn land can fill them with happiness and re-affirm their faith on God's will. 

Life is a flow chart of simple events. It is upon the individual in charge to direct the flow towards happiness. Simple things of life are very fulfilling. It requires no riches to be happy. The person who has understood this has enlightened his/her soul and is destined to have a satisfying death after a life heavenly lived. There is heaven where we want there to be a heaven, There is happiness where we want there to be happiness..Nothing suites better to end this flow of thoughts than this saying,"SIMPLE LIVING, HAPPY LIVING"

Monday, 12 August 2019


Our life is a beautiful play of opportunities. These are the chances that life offers to us so that we can change our circumstances for the better. The people who have an eye for detail can pick up these opportunities and utilise them. The form of this varies from person to person. The opportunities depend on the goal set by that individual. These lead to achievement of goals and success in life. They take us to the top but remaining on the top requires some effort and changes to our behaviour. The most important behavioural change needed is the inculcation of humility in our personality.

Humility is rare. It gets rarer as one starts to climb up the ladder of success. It is a prized possession. A person who is humble and down to earth even after being on the top is a person with deep ethics and enriched soul. Humility at first is a choice. A person can choose to be humble and down to earth even when he/she need not be. This is a character trait symbolising strong personality. This trait is the one that keeps a person on the top protecting him/her from the dazzles that often blind the masses that make it to the top.

Success is hard earned and often fought for. Humility is a choice for many but then there are those people who have been humbled by the struggles they have faced in life. Hardest of struggles result into the greatest of success. A person who had to go through such hard struggles values success like no one else. That individual knows what it takes to achieve that height. This enriches his/her soul and makes the person humble towards life. They value their position and do not boast about it. They also are sympathetic and encouraging for those who are in their struggle phase working their way to the top. 

 Life offers us opportunities.We recognise them and put in our hard work. The end result is success. But this is also a soul enriching process. The struggles and opportunity that life offers us make us humble. Whenever we get overwhelmed  by our success, the experiences from our struggling days bring us to the reality keeping us down to Earth. Such is life. Humility is a prized possession. One should search for this quality in persons they want to get inspired from. Because being humble is a choice that people make when they have everything which requires a mindset that is worth its value in gold. Be humble and down to earth. Ending this with the words of Steve Jobs is appropriate because he was an epitome of humility.. "STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH"..

Saturday, 10 August 2019


The Sun is our primary source of  energy. This energy is important directly or indirectly for all life on Earth. This drives the life force within every organism and brings about crucial changes in the non living components around us. Sun has been shining in the same way for billions of years and sustaining life on this planet we call home. It will keep shining in the same way for billions of years to come.

When the sky is covered with clouds we loose the sight of Sun. The intensity of light decreases and life on earth receives a set back. These are temporary and by no means it reduces the capability of Sun to shine and give life a boost on Earth. The Sun never deviates from its duty. After every darkness, light is a must. After gloomy days , sunny days follow. This natural phenomenon has kept inspiring cohort of poets, writers and philosophers. The philosophies of life have not been thought of by aspiring minds, rather they are the results of deep observations of phenomenons that surround us. The inspirations and teachings that we need in life is all around us. It's just the eye for detail that is necessary to draw from them.

A person who draws inspiration from the above will gain the urge to bring some changes into his/her life. The Sun teaches us to be bright, dutiful, diligent, caring, silent and most importantly resistant to temporary set backs and experiences. The clouds come and go, but they do not influence the Sun's ability in anyway. Similarly a person should not loose his/her path due to temporary set backs. These times of turmoil are temporary and has no power on someone who is fixed and sincere with a clear thinking. The other characteristics like duty, diligence etc are important milestones of one's career. In the long run, only those succeed who have been able to draw inspirations and enriched their souls. We do not need to dig into books for inspiration.They are no doubt great sources of inspiration but are well below those from which we can draw inspiration via experience. Souls are eternal similar to the wisdom around us. We just need to have the urge and the eye for detail in life's inspirational processes to draw from them..

Thursday, 8 August 2019


Our life has many things that demand our attention. Our dreams and aspirations are in constant demand of our time. They are the most important things in our life. But we are not able to give them the due attention as our life is cluttered with many other things that demand our attention. These things can literary be things and other social responsibilities. When we start to give our time to these. As a result the time demanded by the things that help us grow is unmet for because we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

The behaviour we talked about earlier is a major hurdle in the way of living a fulfilling life. The dreams that we have ,often remain dreams because of our life's clutter that drain away our precious time and strength. These clutter can be of many types. Relationships that pull us down can be a clutter. Things that we no longer use can be a clutter because they demand our attention. Social media is a big clutter of our lives. Our phones drain away most of our valuable time. We get indulged in mindless gossips thanks to social media sites. We spend endless hours gulping not so useful content on video sharing sites. And not to mention the time we lose just scrolling on the newsfeed on our social media sites. All these are life's clutter that should be done away with.

Saving ourselves from our phones can be very beneficial. Doing away with the apps that we rarely use along with cutting our time on social media gossips can be of great help which would result in spending time doing things that are useful and enriching. Our wardrobe is also a clutter of our lives. The time we spend every day deciding what to wear also clutters our mind. Simplifying our wardrobe can be of great help. This will help us restrict impulse purchases which has become easy thanks to the online retail apps. 

Decluttering simply means to get rid of the unnecessary things in our lives. Those mentioned above are just a few things of the massive clutter we accumulate throughout our lives. We come into this world with nothing and are going to leave this world in the same way. Thus there is absolutely no meaning of hoarding non necessary things in our lives.
Spending life with those things that are necessary makes our mind grow and help us flourish financially. When we are away from junk we are able to give quality to our lives. The time that this method saves is impressive and the value can be instantly felt. 

The simple living is a technique of the sages. People with their materialistic aspirations have done away with this technique. But it's coming back as well as getting due attention and popularity. The benefits are endless. Try decluttering your life and witness the growth yourself. Start from getting rid of the non necessary and go on adopting this as a way of living. Share this philosophy with others and let them enjoy the benefits offered by a simple life. If these benefits don't draw you towards it, then the financial freedom it offers sure will. YOUR LIFE IS YOURS TO BUILD, IT'S UP TO YOU HOW YOU WANT IT TO BE!! 

Tuesday, 6 August 2019


We all have in our life time come across people who have duality on their minds. They are the individuals who show and speak about something but end up doing the complete opposite. When such people are present in someone's life then its a warning for that person. These are the individuals who should be decluttered from ones life. In the present era duality is growing. People have hidden motives for almost everything they do. Apart from the hidden motives its their interest that plays another important role in their life. It's not wrong to be self centered but being that at the expense of another is not a good human karma.

Jealousy, competition and many such feelings are the core reasons behind this crap mentality. They ruin the society and corrupt the young minds that come in contact with such individuals. Competition is good but only when its a healthy competition. When this leads to corrupt means to bring out one's intentions leading to the harm of others ,then it's wrong. Healthy competition makes people grow while the vice versa also happens to be true and in fact is the most common phenomenon in today's society.

To add to all this is the crab mentality. It's a literary term that has originated from real biological behaviour of crabs. When crabs are placed in a cramped space, they try to climb out. The one who succeeds is not let to climb out by the others who keep pulling it back down. This is called the crab mentality. In our society people compete with one another and most often then not they have the crab mentality in place. They do not let the one who is doing good to go ahead or help him in doing so. Rather they pull him/her backwards and play tricks to get that person demotivated so that he/she fails in the endeavour. This is common and is the root cause of stagnant growth in many societies and even negative growth in some. 

The day people do away with this mentality will be the day when society changes for good. This requires a mindset change which is difficult to achieve but not impossible. Helping each other grow will in turn lead to a much sustainable development. If such unhealthy competition exists then growth will remain stagnant and the ultimate sufferers will be the people themselves. Let go of this crab mentality and work together which will not only help grow leadership skills but also will create some amazing relations that can be adored life long..

Monday, 5 August 2019


Life is a combination of experiences. These experiences are gained from mingling with people around us. These interactions are crucial because humans are social beings. From the day we come into this world we gather bits of personality from all around and these bits remain with us for the entire lifetime. The maximum of these bits are obtained during the youth period. Individuals have the most characteristics gained from their parents and next to parents are friends. Thus the saying a man is known from the company he keeps is truly said which rightly brings out the importance of friends in one's life.

The beginning years pass by under the guidance of parents. The rest of the period when one matures the most is moulded by our peers. They support us and guide us. In many cases friends have proved to be the single major reason behind someone's success. Selfless friendship is a rare phenomenon now a days. The puranas are filled with stories of friendship. The mythological story book " PANCHATANTRA" also depicts unique stories related to friendship with real life lessons depicted through them. This is how the importance of friendship is depicted in Indian mythology.

Friendship is very crucial for humans. They are social animals and friendship is the next pure relationship after love. Society can strain an individual with its demands and non matching principles. These make individuals to rebel. The only one who supports an individual during this turmoil is a friend. Its not always the case that like minded people are friends. When there is variety in the circle only then the circle becomes enriching in one's life.

Today friendship has a whole new meaning. This new meaning has been given by the so called social media. People now claim to be friends with people purely based on the fact that they are together and hitched in any social media platform. Its not wrong to be friends with someone you have never met in life. But friends are not just people, they are individuals with their unique characteristics and mindset. These features mould an individual and teach many lessons. One cannot experience everything in life. But one can have enough know how about it if someone in his/her friend circle has experienced it. Thus friends allow us to have wider view points which would not have been possible in isolated existence. These wider view points add up to ones experiences that enriches one's life.

A good friend can build a person and a bad friend can ruin that person. This is cent percent relevant. This needs no explanation as examples are present all around us. People should be picky when choosing friends. This should have utmost importance because in the long run the friends prove to be personality builders or vice versa. In this digital era finding real things is very difficult. Same is also the case with friends. If someone bumps into a person who is just right and has all that's right for him/her, that person should be treated with utmost importance and care. This is because finding a person true to himself is rare these days. These persons can mould everyone around them. Be picky and choose to keep the circle small but quality of that circle high. If you achieve few persons who meet the best of the criteria, then you are both lucky and rich. Friendship is a treasure because its difficult to find and when found can change ones life for good.. 

Friday, 2 August 2019


It is an old saying that an empty vessel sounds much. People can derive various meanings of this proverb. But we should focus on the very essence of this saying i.e silence. Silence is a term that has been in the backdrop for quite sometime. The society has developed as well as the surrounding. This era is the era of industrialisation and urbanisation. These so called metropolices have every essentials as well as luxuries. But they lack silence which is a necessity for the well being of mind. 

Silence is a real luxury now a days. People often seek peace of mind by moving away from the hustle. This explains the so called urban to rural migration that is often considered a step back in life today. Silence in the surrounding is very important and can really create wonders but silence on lips is a whole different story.

Today silence has been attributed to shyness. People are drawn to gossips and other futile conversations because it helps them to mingle and get accepted in their immediate surrounding. This is wrong and has impacts which often go unnoticed. Scientifically speaking, the very act of speaking drains our body of energy because various organs and muscles have to be pulled in to create speech. This energy could have been used otherwise in certain productive activities that can really influence the life individuals live.

Mindless gossips are a new trend. This begins at the teenage and remains with an individual all of his/her life. People waste their valuable time and energy in them. This energy could have been channeled in order to get more out of life. People who are silent are really blessed. They have some unique characteristics that the others lack. Once a person becomes silent he/she becomes more aware of the surrounding. The idea of nature speaks that we often come across is well explained by a person who has achieved the brilliance in silence. A person who has mastered silence has surely mastered self control because he/she can efficiently control the urge of speaking. Silence also opens new doors to look at our surrounding because the energy saved activates the essential senses that makes a person better observer and listener. To clarify this we can pool in the example of deaf and dumb persons who have heightened abilities because they have essential energy saved. Things and behaviour speak, we don't always need to hear to know about them, thoughtful observations are enough.

Heightened abilities or not, silence is very rewarding. The time and energy saved can be directed to carry on productive activities that can add meaning to life. Sad reality is that people who have mastered this ability are looked down upon and are considered non social. They are left out and thus have to drive themselves on their own. Many give in to this social discrimination but one who has really mastered self control keeps his/her way of life intact. This life is not to please someone else rather to find meaning in one's own existence. 

Path of silence is difficult but the end result is very rewarding. Any habit as explained by many scientific researchers take 21 days to become embedded into ones life. Silence as a way of life is a habit and is worth the try. Yes this can result in social disconnections but the ones that were meant to stay would stay. Its the universal truth. Last blog explained about decluttering ones life. Silence has the power to declutter your life of the individuals that were not good for you. Take the challenge and give it a go. You would not be dissapointed for sure.In addition to that you would become one of the very few to have gained mastery in self control. Now that's something! Silence is really an answer to many problems which demands dedication and gives extensive value to life..

Thursday, 1 August 2019


Complexity is the trend now a days. Things are getting more and more complex. Human relationships are also following the same path. The things that were easy and simple earlier have gone through a radical change. The cause of such complexity can be attributed to the changing society. The demands from individuals have changed and the inter relationship between individuals have followed the same trend. The problem with this change is that people are not taking relationships for as it is. They judge everything from the eyes of their expectations. But here we are not going to talk about complexity of relationships rather we would look into the complexity that has creeped into our life as such.

Simple living is a concept that is gaining popularity now. The reason for its growing popularity is the problems that are being faced by individuals in their day to day lives. The attention of an individual in today's world is demanded by many things. These can be of both social construct as well as human construct. The demands of the society are all social construct that demand the time and attention of an individual. The era of social networks have complicated things further. One cannot remain away from these as these are now essential means to remain social. The other things being the human construct which individuals have created themselves to remain in the league with others.

Thus life today is cluttered with such demands that are now becoming more than just demands. They have been turning into social and moral duties. Replying to a email or a social media message is considered important as these are worth more than just conversation. They are the demands that one needs to see through as soon as possible. This is the reason behind growing popularity of the simple living- happy living concept.

The major focus should be on decluttering of life. Prioritising tasks is very essential today because there are a lot of distractions that are needed to be kept in check.The demands of the society will keep on increasing and it is upon us to filter these so that life as a whole does not get the beat out of it. The important thing that every individual should know is that we are not here to please everyone. We would always be bad in someone's book. So why waste time proving ourselves to every stone that hits us. Just get out of such thinking and live as simply as possible. Keep the distractions at a minimum and life at full. This in the long run will make you happy and prove helpful in searching for the greater good. SIMPLE LIVING IS THUS HAPPY LIVING and this can never go wrong..

FAKE NEWS- 5 Steps To Deal with It And Learn Ethical Use Of Internet

Today we are living in the age of opinions. Everyone of us ( well not everyone) has the privilege to form an opinion and then share it with ...