Sunday, 18 August 2019


Almost all of us are maximalist. The term maximalist is nothing but a term describing our capitalist and gatherer mindset. The gatherer mindset is embedded into our human system. But it has been pushed beyond the satisfaction line due to the growing capitalist ideology. Capitalist ideology is the outcome of growing demands which empowered the market to take steps to meet the demands. These demands are no longer restricted to basic needs of existence rather it has gone much beyond that. This extra things that are excess to our basic needs are nothing but cutter that have influence on our minds and robs away our peace of mind not to forget the financial burden it puts on our daily lives.

The mindset that counteracts to the above is termed as minimalism. These are just terms. They can be called with different names but the thing that is important is the ideology which has the impact on our mindset. The minimalist mindset is one that helps an individual to satisfy himself/herself with the bare minimum. This guides us to do away with the things that are not used in our day to day lives. This ideology does not limit itself only to things, rather it is very broad including our thoughts and time. The thoughts that are in no way going to enrich us are done away with. This decluttering of thoughts gives back to us our valuable time which could be instead used to enrich our soul with healthy thoughts. Similarly minimalist ideology also tells us to limit wastage of time by doing things that are not that important. To explain this we can sight the example of our mobile phone addiction. This simple device robs us 6 to 7 hours of our day on an average. We spend hours mindlessly scrolling the newsfeed or getting entertained. If we limit this wastage of time we would have time left to do things that would actually bring us closer to our loved ones.

Minimalism is simply a way of living simply. When incorporated into our lives it can result into wonders. More time to do things we love. Better family relations. More time available to pursue our passion that can enrich our souls and make us truly happy. And above all it can save us a lot of money. Minimalist living helps us focus only on what's important in our lives. This helps us do away with the societal pressure to impress. It helps us to overcome the fear of other people's judgement of ourselves which actually neither happens nor should it matter to us in anyway. Thus we start avoiding the blind race for the new. The new fashion, the new gadget etc are all things that are not our needs rather our demands which are taught to us by the society. Minimalism is the filter that keeps all these unwanted stuff out of our lives for good.

A life free from clutter is a life full of happiness. Once you let the unwanted out, your vision becomes clear enough to focus only on the essentials. This clutter free living attracts opportunities, happiness into relationships and financial security for the years to come. The time and effort saved can be productively used in many ways that helps an individual to grow and flourish. Minimalist principle can vary as per ones needs. This versatility is what that makes it so popular. There are innumerable references and guides that can help one understand minimalism better and help to adopt it into ones life. The results are so attractive that once you start experiencing them, you long to take those further. This is a life that's fulfilling on its own. Give minimalism a try and I am sure you will never wanna leave it..

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