Thursday, 1 August 2019


Complexity is the trend now a days. Things are getting more and more complex. Human relationships are also following the same path. The things that were easy and simple earlier have gone through a radical change. The cause of such complexity can be attributed to the changing society. The demands from individuals have changed and the inter relationship between individuals have followed the same trend. The problem with this change is that people are not taking relationships for as it is. They judge everything from the eyes of their expectations. But here we are not going to talk about complexity of relationships rather we would look into the complexity that has creeped into our life as such.

Simple living is a concept that is gaining popularity now. The reason for its growing popularity is the problems that are being faced by individuals in their day to day lives. The attention of an individual in today's world is demanded by many things. These can be of both social construct as well as human construct. The demands of the society are all social construct that demand the time and attention of an individual. The era of social networks have complicated things further. One cannot remain away from these as these are now essential means to remain social. The other things being the human construct which individuals have created themselves to remain in the league with others.

Thus life today is cluttered with such demands that are now becoming more than just demands. They have been turning into social and moral duties. Replying to a email or a social media message is considered important as these are worth more than just conversation. They are the demands that one needs to see through as soon as possible. This is the reason behind growing popularity of the simple living- happy living concept.

The major focus should be on decluttering of life. Prioritising tasks is very essential today because there are a lot of distractions that are needed to be kept in check.The demands of the society will keep on increasing and it is upon us to filter these so that life as a whole does not get the beat out of it. The important thing that every individual should know is that we are not here to please everyone. We would always be bad in someone's book. So why waste time proving ourselves to every stone that hits us. Just get out of such thinking and live as simply as possible. Keep the distractions at a minimum and life at full. This in the long run will make you happy and prove helpful in searching for the greater good. SIMPLE LIVING IS THUS HAPPY LIVING and this can never go wrong..

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