Sunday, 25 August 2019


Turmoil is the reality of life. Life is full of challenges and struggles leading to a destination we all seek. These times of turmoil are the best teachers we have. They are patient and leave us be only when we have grasped the truth it wanted to teach.

The times which are somewhat not undulating are stable times. But the truth about stability is that it fades away. It should never be considered permanent state of affairs. The word status quo is just absence of thought for time being. The world is itself not stable. It's in a constant struggle to keep things as they are but change seeps in anyhow. Life is no different. We keep working from one problem to another. Each problem being uncharted waters which are unstable and dangerous. The struggle never stops and this is what keeps us alive.

Amid all these things what keeps us together is our state of mind. A person who is calm can achieve anything. Calm is a superpower. The superpower is of being unaffected by the turmoil and keeping a sanely positive outlook towards the situation at hand. As mentioned many times earlier, happiness is a choice. Every situation can be looked into through the lens of happiness. A well trained mind is no myth. It's a mind that has mastered calm and is able to look at the brighter side which is nothing but choosing to be happy. It's simple yet complex in its core value.

The flame of a lamp is a good example which can be compared to a human mind. The flame trembles at the touch of the slightest of wind. The very nature of the flame is to give light. Amid all the difficulty it still tries its best to be stable and never deviate from its core value. Its hard but human mind can be trained with experience to struggle yet remain calm. This calm will keep the focus on the core values of life. Life is a continuous process of learning. All the emotions are filled in this journey. But amid all these it's a calm person who keep his/her mind sane enough to look at everything through the glasses of happiness. Never run behind stability. It's an illusion. Try to face everything with a clear intuition which will help you master calm. And when you have mastered calm, you are powerful enough to master living.. 

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