Friday, 2 August 2019


It is an old saying that an empty vessel sounds much. People can derive various meanings of this proverb. But we should focus on the very essence of this saying i.e silence. Silence is a term that has been in the backdrop for quite sometime. The society has developed as well as the surrounding. This era is the era of industrialisation and urbanisation. These so called metropolices have every essentials as well as luxuries. But they lack silence which is a necessity for the well being of mind. 

Silence is a real luxury now a days. People often seek peace of mind by moving away from the hustle. This explains the so called urban to rural migration that is often considered a step back in life today. Silence in the surrounding is very important and can really create wonders but silence on lips is a whole different story.

Today silence has been attributed to shyness. People are drawn to gossips and other futile conversations because it helps them to mingle and get accepted in their immediate surrounding. This is wrong and has impacts which often go unnoticed. Scientifically speaking, the very act of speaking drains our body of energy because various organs and muscles have to be pulled in to create speech. This energy could have been used otherwise in certain productive activities that can really influence the life individuals live.

Mindless gossips are a new trend. This begins at the teenage and remains with an individual all of his/her life. People waste their valuable time and energy in them. This energy could have been channeled in order to get more out of life. People who are silent are really blessed. They have some unique characteristics that the others lack. Once a person becomes silent he/she becomes more aware of the surrounding. The idea of nature speaks that we often come across is well explained by a person who has achieved the brilliance in silence. A person who has mastered silence has surely mastered self control because he/she can efficiently control the urge of speaking. Silence also opens new doors to look at our surrounding because the energy saved activates the essential senses that makes a person better observer and listener. To clarify this we can pool in the example of deaf and dumb persons who have heightened abilities because they have essential energy saved. Things and behaviour speak, we don't always need to hear to know about them, thoughtful observations are enough.

Heightened abilities or not, silence is very rewarding. The time and energy saved can be directed to carry on productive activities that can add meaning to life. Sad reality is that people who have mastered this ability are looked down upon and are considered non social. They are left out and thus have to drive themselves on their own. Many give in to this social discrimination but one who has really mastered self control keeps his/her way of life intact. This life is not to please someone else rather to find meaning in one's own existence. 

Path of silence is difficult but the end result is very rewarding. Any habit as explained by many scientific researchers take 21 days to become embedded into ones life. Silence as a way of life is a habit and is worth the try. Yes this can result in social disconnections but the ones that were meant to stay would stay. Its the universal truth. Last blog explained about decluttering ones life. Silence has the power to declutter your life of the individuals that were not good for you. Take the challenge and give it a go. You would not be dissapointed for sure.In addition to that you would become one of the very few to have gained mastery in self control. Now that's something! Silence is really an answer to many problems which demands dedication and gives extensive value to life..


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