Wednesday, 31 July 2019


Celebrations are an important part of life that makes life interesting. We Indians have unique festivals and unique ways of celebrating them as well. The festivals in India are times of extravagance with most people spending huge sum of money so that they are accepted in the society as a rule abiding citizen. The celebrations can be social phenomenon or family phenomenon. But in both the cases society plays the determining role. 

India is a large and diverse county. The festivals and celebrations are different all over India. The ways of celebrations are also different. The festivals of same religion also varies from region to region in the way it is celebrated. Thus it is clear that diversity is vast in this subcontinent. The social festivals include religious festivals or some kind of community celebration. Such festivities are celebrated together. If someone tries to avoid such festivals they are often branded as anti social and are discriminated in the society. Similarly there are several family celebrations like marriages, birthdays, annaprasan etc. This sect has a mix of traditional as well as festivals that have been burrowed from other cultures such as anniversaries, birthdays etc. Although they are family celebrations they are hyped and the whole society gets involved. This helps in creating bonds that are crucial for a social being like the humans. But this also creates competition that leads to more spending and extravagance. Such spending is just to get social recognition and respect. People show their money and resources at these functions. From decorations to guests invited, all are planned and carried out with precision. Such behaviour is acceptable when a person is well off but when people with limited resources are pushed to spend on such extravagance then the problem starts. 

Such stupid game of showing off has put many under financial stress. Some have gone into debt for lifetime due to such spending. And such things are not exclusive to some, it is spread far and wide among all the societies in this subcontinent. This thinking of competition drives a very healthy business in India. People who are involved in event management use this ideology to get their clients spend more on the events just to look cool in the so called judgemental Indian society. This ideology is like a virus which spreads and is not limited to the current generation. The coming generations learn as they see,thus expecting a change is foolish and radical change is even more so.This drives many homes but extinguishes the happiness in many others.

 Change to this has to be gradual. People should know what is important and what is not. The concept of judgemental competition should be eradicated. The rule that all should follow is that the primary goal of living happily is to be rich and fulfilled, not to look rich and fulfilled. Think over it and change the deep seated ideology that corrupts most minds here in this society..

Wednesday, 24 July 2019


To go through any situation two things are necessary. First is an aim to achieve something or reach at a particular point. The second most important thing is HOPE to achieve that aim. Without hope everything would seem impossible. Every situation would become a burden in life. Life is meant to be lived with joy. This life becomes interesting when we direct it towards something. When we accomplish this first step the only thing remaining is hope and then we can achieve anything.

From the above it must not be concluded that hope to gain something would emerge from the very first moment. Well it is better if it does. The things when have a beginning from a hope are meant to go good. But hope may emerge at anytime. Some have set goals but gain the hope to achieve that goal only after a certain time or completing a certain path towards that goal.

A tired soul is always eager for something to lift it up. Hope is that thing that has saved many tired souls.When a person tired of failures gets a ray of hope, he is filled with energy to get go again and give his/her best.This ray of hope is often disguised. This is the reason many miss it. This varies from person to person.Life may through up many opportunities that lead someone out of a difficult situation. That opportunity serves as the ray of hope for that person towards a better life or anything he/she desires.

Hope is thus a feeling and going from the above discussion we can say that it is quite a strong one. But it is also true that this feeling depends on the person. Some people have the optimistic view point in life. These people are filled with hope because they are always etching the good things happening around them and consider them all helping them out. Thus quite evidently we can tell that hope is all around us. Well there are some cases in which it is more evident but it is always around. Its on us how we look at things and circumstances. Adopt a optimistic view point and see the magical changes it brings with it. BECAUSE HOPE GETS US GOING!! 

Monday, 22 July 2019


Our world has been advancing very fast. The pace of growth in India is very high. The high rate of industrialisation and urbanisation compliments this high growth rate. This has brought radical changes in our society and surrounding. People have good life style and have more disposable income which they happily spend on luxuries of life. There is poverty prevalent and but it has been showing a decreasing trend. The thing that is wrong with this growth is large scale concentration of wealth.

Well hard work needs to be remunerative to be attractive. If it is not remunerative then why people would be putting in soo much effort? The thing is that wealth is attracted towards the person who works hard as well as works smartly for it. This is his/her reward for putting in the extra effort than others. This extra effort needs a lot and has more than often shown consequences on their life. Thus wealth is the present day go to for peace of mind and satisfaction.

Cities are places of opportunities. This is true because cities widen the scope of economic growth by providing various monetary sources and financial knowledge. People pay more heed to the monetary sources and often neglect the financial knowledge that is needed to maintain that money and turn it into substantial wealth.This is the very reason why the wealth gets concentrated apart from various other reasons that aid this concentration.

Our education system was built to produce obedient workers. This has nothing to do with growth and imparting financial knowledge. One has to gain that knowledge through his/her own effort and sometimes by passing through hard times of life. Thus we rely more on experiences than on knowledge. 

The world is vast. We have many things to learn. We cannot learn all of it in our life time but our aim should be to learn as much as we can. One who thinks that learning stops after education years are over is destined to fail. This knowledge will open up new opportunities. That is exactly what one needs in this world. Seek guidance and knowledge all your life. Knowledge can fulfill your life and turn it into wealth in itself. This will let you have a fulfilling life and seek the riches you desire for the hypothetical mental peace on today's ERA..

Sunday, 21 July 2019


Life is brutal. It is brutal because it has people who cant understand the sacrifices people make to keep them happy. Life lived for someone else gives a happiness that cannot be felt doing anything else. But when you decide to go on this path you must be clear that this path offers no gifts nor appreciation. You do not get recognised nor anyone talks about you. Yes that's the sacrifice you have to make if you want to keep others happy.

The path is full of hardships and everything opposite of calm is waiting for you. You need to know that you do this because this is what can get your soul pure and fix the mistakes that you have made in the past.Well you don't get to taste the fruit of fame but at the end you will get something more divine than all this. Something that is not fake nor can be faked. That is called true happiness. You get to come close with who you are and built yourself in a new way. You will change but guess what you will be thousand times better off than the souls that get grinded in this fake world.

People will never understand and will never be able to. You will be off their limits to judge. You get to answer to yourself. That day you become free. You become eternal being because you are in line with the best, you become rare. The society does not understand rare, it only knows to exploit but when they finally know the value they conserve. Thus become someone who is worthy enough to be conserved. Even if you are not conserved you will have the feeling that you have achieved something which is very rare on this Earth  i.e SELFLESSNESS..
Be for your goal.. help selfless..and as a gift take the most valued possession of this eternal presence..i.e a soul one with the higher being..

Saturday, 20 July 2019


The importance of sports in life is magnificent. The focus and support provided to sports persons along with successfully organising international sporting events have made Bhubaneswar the sports capital of India. The center for all this has been the Kalinga stadium located in the city. This stadium has gained international reputation in recent years. 

Sports can be both indoor and outdoor. While Bhubaneswar is the sports capital organising events mostly of outdoor category, The twin city of Cuttack has been doing great in the indoor segment. The stadium in picture is the Jawaharlal Nehru indoor stadium. This is currently in the spotlight because of the on going Common wealth Table tennis tournament. This stadium is the jewel of cuttack that shines today with honor and pride of this heritage city.

International sporting events are quite spectacular. It provides a stage to showcase talent. For the host nation its an opportunity to showcase their culture and way of life.This not only ensures the flow of tourist but also has an impact on the visiting sports persons. They play and return home with memories of the unique place they had the opportunity to visit.

Deserted for most part of the year, this stadium remains in the heart of everyone in the city. This is located at the barabati fort complex which is the royal grounds from where once the whole of Kalinga was ruled. Such sporting events are a necessary to highlight the stadium and also for the people who can take pride of being host for the international crowd. Bhubaneswar has gained the title and being a twin city Cuttack is not left behind, it shows the glory of its past with the touch of modern times which makes it unique..Looking forward to more such events..Where Cuttack gets recognised for the heritage it is..

Thursday, 18 July 2019


Our lives have become hectic in the present scenario. The race is on and the one who has not understood this rule is left behind devoid of even the basic human needs. This has ripped the peace of mind that we need to become a better person. 

The new rule says if you want peace of mind you need to have a good bank balance. The situation is like this because peace has been linked to human sustenance and fulfillment of material desires. Thus to have your material desires fulfilled you need to have a good financial health. This is supposed to bring peace. These material things are the new definition of peace.

Apart from above the most important definition of peace is absence of violence. This world is turning violent, crimes are on the rise. In this situation countries work hard to maintain peace. Thus this feeling of keeping everyone safe is considered peace. This is not wrong but no one ever thinks of the term mental peace or the peace of mind.

In the prehistoric times people had less things to worry about. They had to think about sustenance and only sustenance. Then the society changed and now people have multiple roles to play. The society demands more from them. Thus we get that the simple the life is the more peace of mind we have. A life without modern day burden and distractions is simply going to be peaceful. Its a choice we have to make, i.e to declutter our lives and get the peace needed for our soul. Thus peace of mind is in our hands.

As we know anger, sorrow, frustration, rage all of these emotions are natural but happiness is a choice that we and only we can give ourselves. Same is the case with peace. Its in our hands whether we want to live a peaceful life or not. Every situation offers us a choice, its in our hands how to react to it. Some reactions can make you peaceful some don't.

 A healthy body is a house for a healthy mind. Its the first necessity. Then comes our life choices and the things we surround our self with. The less cluttered our life is the more peaceful we become.

 Buddhism teaches us how to simplify our lives, because its important. Our mind needs to be free from desires of material wealth is order to achieve the higher good. This the teaching that we all should follow. The soul of every individual needs to grow to become enriched. When we serve our soul and mind with peace, our life transforms to become heavenly in literal sense..PEACE IS A FEELING THAT IS FELT IN EVERY THING WE DO, be it breathing, walking etc. Once you reach that stage, you are enlightened. But most importantly YOU ARE FREE..THAT IS WHAT PEACE IS ALL ABOUT..BEING FREE!!

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


We have got only one life to live. Then why not live it to the fullest? We are not destined to live a mediocre life..That is the point that makes us think of the importance of aiming high. Well we are destined to succeed with our input of hard work. This is the single most important thing that is needed to achieve any kind of success.

When we aim for something in our life and put the effort that is needed, we are destined to succeed. Fixing an aim in life is important because it gives life a purpose. Without an aim we would be in the same situation as a leaf flowing in the river i.e directionless..Thus aim is important. But we should always fix achievable aim. If we fix something very unrealistic then we would end up being depressed in life. Fixing am aim that can be achieved in a lifetime with input of sheer dedication and hard work is thus utmost important.

Achievement of something is not always luck. If we expect something good to happen in life because of luck we would more often than not end up with nothing. Luck can be created with hard work and dedication. If we want to achieve something high we have to break it into small achievements that can be achieved in short period of time. This small achievements repeated regularly with dedication will end up in us achieving our aim.This is the best possible way to achieve anything because going all in can often result in repeated failures. When we divide it up we get a clear and confident vision which is very crucial..

Aim is thus a life force. We are all destined to achieve greatness. We just have to believe in our ability. Life can be lived to the fullest when we have a destination in mind. That is when we start enjoying and learning from the journey to the top. We set our bars by deciding our aim. Then why not set the bar high enough? If we are destined to do great then let it be the greatest. 


Sunday, 14 July 2019


In life we all run behind an aim which we think can give us the satisfaction we seek.In the race towards that point we forget to understand the deep wisdom that the journeys have to offer. The destination is important because without having a fixed goal we cannot live a fulfilling life. But the journeys are more important. The journeys which consist of ups and downs, Success and failure,have a lot to teach us. These are the experiences that matter and enrich our lives.

The journey towards a goal has many mesmerising events. One experiences many bitter truths. He/she learns the importance of living, and most important being the satisfaction that living for others has to offer. We call these as experiences. They are important because life does not stop when one reaches ones goal. It goes on. The wisdom that we have accumulated help in the journey that's ahead. It enables us to choose wisely and set achievable goals. One who learns from the experiences can avoid making the same mistakes and can in turn leap ahead in the race called LIFE.  

We feel happy when we achieve our goal. But when we reach our dream destination it does not feel that satisfying as we expected it to be. If one has not paid attention to the journey he/she has to go through to reach that dream destination , then he/she has missed the major chunk of his life and the experiences he could have gained. This would result in post success depression, when one feels aimless and looses interest in living. That is a real curse. Thus to avoid that void in the later part of life, its important we gather the courage to go ahead and pay heed to the journeys we go through, learn from them and enrich our mindset....DESTINATIONS ARE BEAUTIFUL BUT JOURNEYS ARE HEAVENLY..

Saturday, 13 July 2019


Monsoon is a rare phenomenon. Indian monsoons are unique for this reason. Every year after a scorching summer, every organism in this subcontinent, literary every organism wait for the relief brought by rains. The meteorologists call these rains as monsoon and the season is named as such.The climate of India has also been called Tropical monsoon climate to evidence the importance.

It provides the needed relief and brings out the best of nature. India is a vast county. Only the northern half has perennial flowing rivers. The peninsular rivers that show their bare and barren beds in the summer wait out the monsoons to become lively again.This season is all that is needed to sustain that region which would have been barren if such a phenomenon did not exist.

As earlier said that rains bring out the best of nature. This can be felt after a barren summer when everything is wilting under the scorching sun. The lush green landscape after the first rain is a welcome change and is indeed a visual retreat.Its a feeling that shows that everything is back to life. This is a soul fulfilling experience that cannot be expressed in words. The fragrance of  the soil after the first rain is heavenly satisfying.

The importance of monsoons for the Indian subcontinent and every organism living here cannot be expressed. The harsh condition of Tibet region where the monsoon cannot reach due to the Himalayas is an apt example. Life is tough there and we would have the same condition if we were devoid of the monsoons.

Indian agriculture is monsoon dependant. As indian economy is agrarian, good monsoon becomes crucial for the economy. The growing Indian population and economy needs more water. The only sources known are heavily dependant on the monsoons. This is enough evidence towards the importance of this season.

Monsoons have become a feeling in India.It is worshipped all through out India and several festivals are celebrated related to the rains. Individuals have memories associated with the rains. Sometimes the memories are bad as well. Everything has two sides. Rains bring life as well as destruction. Floods bring relief, assures good production but takes away loved ones in some cases. Yet there is no denial of the fact that monsoons are important and its the life giver in every way. Keeping the importance in mind we can enjoy the season in a whole different way and be grateful towards nature for the gift we know as MONSOONS. 

Friday, 12 July 2019


When the sun sets every day in this round planet we live in, every organism has the same routine to follow which is to feel safe in the dark. For other animals its a place where they take shelter and spend the night in safety. Night is always associated with danger and searching for shelter is a natural trait. 

But we humans are not like any other organism. We are social beings and we have developed a different connotation for the word shelter. The early human beings did not have a settled life. They like the organisms they hunted seeked shelter when the dark came upon. But now things have changed. After the settled lifestyle came in thanks to agriculture, shelter became permanent and was called home.

The term home is a place where one is safe everyday of h/her life and not for that particular night.Human beings are a social being. They thrive by being associated with other humans. This brought in the concept of family and clan. Home became a place where family lived near ones own clan. With passing time occupations evolved and became diverse. The demands from individuals grew ,not limiting the demands to only physical labour. This brought in many feelings, along came the deep regret we experience in failures. When everything goes wrong every one has one destination to head for..i.e HOME.It has become a feeling rather than just a place. People can have multiple places to live in and but when things go wrong they come to the one place where they feel safe and can get then support needed waiting for the storm to pass..

Luxurious or not it does not matter, Home has to be a place where one gets the love and support needed. It should be a place where one can be one-self without the thought of status or reputation which matter to the outside world but not to the people who we seek to. Thus home is a feeling and quite a unique one in these times of turmoil in this  static society.This feeling attached to shelter is what primarily differentiates humans from other organisms in this current time. HOME is thus important because ITS THE PLACE WE ALL SEEK TO RETURN WHEN THE NIGHT IS DARK AND FULL OF TERRORS!!

Thursday, 11 July 2019


In India life is all about belief and customs. All the elements of life are worshipped and believed to have a deep impact on our everyday life. The customs followed for centuries have given way to a rigid traditional setup of Indian society. This setup is unique and cannot be found anywhere in the world. This attracts many who want to witness it and many in them find the divine bliss in these believes end up adopting them.

Indian subcontinent has been home to many civilisations. The ancient river valley civilisations have enriched the past and have had impact on our present. These civilisations emerged, prospered and then died out but they were all unique in there own way. They also had their own unique contributions in the past.

Indian belief system has become rigid today but it was not like that in the past. It was open and gave way to changes brought about by many civilisations that came and went. It also was happy to adopt and mould itself to influences coming from the new world. But this flexibility faded out and now its a kind of rules to be followed in order to get the result. Anyone who does not follow the rigid rule system has to face the wrath of the society. This in many ways has contributed to the decreased popularity of this belief system. Its old and filled with wisdom gained from experiences. But it is in complete denial of the modern era facts and does not wish to be adopting a generalised approach. 

Belief system if coupled with modern knowledge can lead to many breakthroughs. There are many aspects that cannot be explained by science. In these spheres the belief system should work to contribute the wisdom it packs to positively impact the society. If this can go through in the future then Indian society can advance at an unprecedented rate and can even surpass others because of all the wisdom of life and living it packs. This will make it attractive and will help the human kind as a whole..

Wednesday, 10 July 2019


Rivers are life givers everywhere in the world. But in India rivers are more important and play many important roles. India being an agricultural country, rivers have the important role of sustaining the crops. The rivers have been doing that since time immemorial by providing water and enriching the crop land by their annual floods.

Apart from the above, Indian rivers have to play the spiritual role as well. Being a country with rich culture and customs, rivers have become an important part of the customs. They are considered sacred and are believed to be supernatural creations to make the human life sustain on the Earth. Their waters are considered sacred and used in all ritual customs. The water is believed to have the power to cleanse the soul and remove the burden of sins from ones life which makes them have a happy afterlife and relieve them of the cycle of birth and rebirth.

Mahanadi being an Indian river is no different and has the same roles to play. It originates from the Amarkantak plateau in Madhya Pradesh. It flows through Chattisgarh and enters Odisha where it finally meets the Bay of Bengal.Mahanadi along with two other rivers forms the second largest delta in India. Its delta is a Ramsar convention site. The delta is conserved under the name of Bhitarkanika reserve forest. Bhitarkanika is famous for salt water crocodiles and Olive Riddley tortoise which come here every year to lay their eggs. It is considered that Bhitarkanika has the highest concentration of salt water crocodiles in India.

The ancient city of Cuttack is situated at the delta of Mahanadi. The delta begins from The Naraj area of Cuttack. As all other Indian rivers Mahanadi has to play the dual role. It provides water to odisha's extensive agricultural lands. It enriches the soil with annual floods. Many dams have come up to control the floods and direct the river water to more area so as to increase the catchment area which will help in better irrigation. Better irrigation would result in better yield. It also provides drinking water to the masses. The Hirakud dam has come up on this river. It is the longest man made dam with a length of 24 Km. 

Fishing,agriculture,drinking water and many others are the functions of this river. But that is not enough. It has to play the role of a soul cleanser also. Many religious places have come up on its bank. It has been washing away the sins of man kind since time immemorial. Thus playing the cultural role that binds all Indian rivers.

The river has a very important role in the life of people living here. But it has not been taken care of. The river has been extensively dammed. The natural flow has been interrupted at many places in order to curb the flood menance. The pollution is an all time high. Many polluting industries have come up on its bank. The large cities that sustain with its water have in turn lead to high pollution discharge in form of municipal water which are not treated before release into the river. The river water has become unfit for drinking. The mines have contributed their part in the pollution of the river. At many places the marine life has been wiped out and water stinks like a sewage. 

Millions of people depend on this river and hence it should be taken proper care of. The government as well as people should be aware of the river ecosystem so as to maintain the natural systems and properly manage the resource. Industries should be vigilant and municipal wastes should be treated before release into the river. This steps can bring a lot of impact to our very own lifeline which is majestic and sublime.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019



Ooty or Udagamandalam in the local language is really a soul enriching experience. Being close to nature is always a joy which cannot be expressed just felt. Close to the bustling and a soon to be mega city Bengaluru, its a quick break from the monotonous and scheduled city life. The journey from bengaluru to ooty is an experience in itself. The road first crosses the ancient capital city of Mysore empire which is now termed as Mysuru. Its a city filled with heritage architecture and palaces which all depict its rich heritage. If looked with the eye of an explorer we can find many less known places which all remind us of the battle between Tipu sultan and the British empire. The city is famous for its sandal wood work which are a must look for when you come to this city. The road after that leaves the suburbs of Mysuru and passes through the Bannerghata National park. If lucky, you will be able to get a sight of the Tigers which are under conservation here. 

Ooty is a heaven for the people who love moist weather. The weather changes very frequently here. The soothing climate enables the visitors to explore the place with much enthusiasm. Like many other hill stations its a journey filled with twisties but the roads are really very good. There are many touristy places but there are some really cool places that are not on the tourist map but can bring you really close to the nature, like the place in the photograph.

Tourism has really taken its toll on the hills. The serene hill station is now a bustling town. The traffic jams are longer with each passing year. Parking is a nightmare. The rains that attract many tourist make situations worse sometimes. Pollution is evident and tress are cut to accommodate more tourist lodges. 

Visit and enjoy the place. Soak in the soul enriching experience that closeness to nature offers. But be an ideal tourist who is conscious of the hills and the care that they need. Without such a thinking of the masses, it will soon be any other bustling place on the map devoid of the nature we seek there toady.

Monday, 8 July 2019


My previous blog was about Life and the daily inspirational wisdom around us. Hard work is another aspect of life that turns life into ones expected reality. To make things happen as we want, we need to work hard. We all desire a comfortable and happy life. But very few of us can really make things happen with their determination and hard work. Without hard work aimed at a desired outcome, a person will only be making the ends meet. There is no fault in working to make ends meet for yourself and your loved ones, but securing a good life for them demands input of hard work.

Today the concept of smart working has emerged. This is not a different kind of working rather it means to understand the destination well in advance, study the kind of work required to make it happen and then work hard to make it happen. Hard work will never go out of fashion. Its the only way to create your own luck. And the most aspiring thing is that, hard work never goes unpaid. This is true!. Hard work aimed towards a particular result never goes unpaid. Then comes the term patience. Having patience while working hard is very important. People often loose patience and stop pursuing their goal, this should be avoided at any cost. Equally important is working hard and not waiting for the results.

Bees are an apt example of hardworking beings. They work hard all day and the result is the nature's sweetest creation. Here another important thing is that hard work is rewarding but hard work aimed at a greater good for others, is, in short heavenly. 

Start working hard towards the goal you aspire. The result of your hard work will be rewarding in its own unique way. Aim high, aim good and start putting the hours needed to be the few who enjoy the life's sweetest rewards in the end.


Shot on- Redmi Note 5 pro.
Aperture- f/2.2
Shutter speed- 1/2125

Sunday, 7 July 2019



LIFE is a term that has a wide range of aspects embedded into it. We as an emotional and social being understand this term differently. Other beings have a completely different outlook with the thinking being primarily on survival. Human life with its wide social dimensions is very complicated and the sad thing is that technology is making things more complicated. Spoken words have emotions embedded into them but the digital media is a completely different play of things. In this growing age of complexity, what we all seek is a little light guiding us so that we don't get lost in this life that's more fake and influenced than life ever was. To cope with this changing trends we just have to look around us for the guidance we seek. I found the wisdom of lights in the burning candles. I would happily share the insight with you all. The light is low and flickering when we first burn a candle. The light gets stronger and then again in the end the light flickers before dying out. Our life is the same. The initial flickering stage is the representation of our initial days on earth. The middle strong flame is our youth and mature stage when we seek wisdom, our aims high and our energy sufficient to bring the change we seek. The last flicker is of the old age when we have the time to look back on the life we lived and the impact we had. A person when gone is remembered for sometime but the influence he had during his life, the souls he was able to guide and help, the change he was able to bring into this dying world is the real asset one leaves behind. I chose to start my blogging journey with this post because this is what I wish to leave behind as an asset. Thoughts are powerful and they indeed can guide the world with hope. Seek the wisdom from the things around you. Be it full if life things or the things that are rigid, wisdom is all around us, the only thing needed is to change our outlook and then accept the reality..GO OUT AND SEEK YOUR GUIDING LIGHT!!!!!

FAKE NEWS- 5 Steps To Deal with It And Learn Ethical Use Of Internet

Today we are living in the age of opinions. Everyone of us ( well not everyone) has the privilege to form an opinion and then share it with ...