Saturday, 13 July 2019


Monsoon is a rare phenomenon. Indian monsoons are unique for this reason. Every year after a scorching summer, every organism in this subcontinent, literary every organism wait for the relief brought by rains. The meteorologists call these rains as monsoon and the season is named as such.The climate of India has also been called Tropical monsoon climate to evidence the importance.

It provides the needed relief and brings out the best of nature. India is a vast county. Only the northern half has perennial flowing rivers. The peninsular rivers that show their bare and barren beds in the summer wait out the monsoons to become lively again.This season is all that is needed to sustain that region which would have been barren if such a phenomenon did not exist.

As earlier said that rains bring out the best of nature. This can be felt after a barren summer when everything is wilting under the scorching sun. The lush green landscape after the first rain is a welcome change and is indeed a visual retreat.Its a feeling that shows that everything is back to life. This is a soul fulfilling experience that cannot be expressed in words. The fragrance of  the soil after the first rain is heavenly satisfying.

The importance of monsoons for the Indian subcontinent and every organism living here cannot be expressed. The harsh condition of Tibet region where the monsoon cannot reach due to the Himalayas is an apt example. Life is tough there and we would have the same condition if we were devoid of the monsoons.

Indian agriculture is monsoon dependant. As indian economy is agrarian, good monsoon becomes crucial for the economy. The growing Indian population and economy needs more water. The only sources known are heavily dependant on the monsoons. This is enough evidence towards the importance of this season.

Monsoons have become a feeling in India.It is worshipped all through out India and several festivals are celebrated related to the rains. Individuals have memories associated with the rains. Sometimes the memories are bad as well. Everything has two sides. Rains bring life as well as destruction. Floods bring relief, assures good production but takes away loved ones in some cases. Yet there is no denial of the fact that monsoons are important and its the life giver in every way. Keeping the importance in mind we can enjoy the season in a whole different way and be grateful towards nature for the gift we know as MONSOONS. 

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