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The new rule says if you want peace of mind you need to have a good bank balance. The situation is like this because peace has been linked to human sustenance and fulfillment of material desires. Thus to have your material desires fulfilled you need to have a good financial health. This is supposed to bring peace. These material things are the new definition of peace.
Apart from above the most important definition of peace is absence of violence. This world is turning violent, crimes are on the rise. In this situation countries work hard to maintain peace. Thus this feeling of keeping everyone safe is considered peace. This is not wrong but no one ever thinks of the term mental peace or the peace of mind.
In the prehistoric times people had less things to worry about. They had to think about sustenance and only sustenance. Then the society changed and now people have multiple roles to play. The society demands more from them. Thus we get that the simple the life is the more peace of mind we have. A life without modern day burden and distractions is simply going to be peaceful. Its a choice we have to make, i.e to declutter our lives and get the peace needed for our soul. Thus peace of mind is in our hands.
As we know anger, sorrow, frustration, rage all of these emotions are natural but happiness is a choice that we and only we can give ourselves. Same is the case with peace. Its in our hands whether we want to live a peaceful life or not. Every situation offers us a choice, its in our hands how to react to it. Some reactions can make you peaceful some don't.
A healthy body is a house for a healthy mind. Its the first necessity. Then comes our life choices and the things we surround our self with. The less cluttered our life is the more peaceful we become.
Buddhism teaches us how to simplify our lives, because its important. Our mind needs to be free from desires of material wealth is order to achieve the higher good. This the teaching that we all should follow. The soul of every individual needs to grow to become enriched. When we serve our soul and mind with peace, our life transforms to become heavenly in literal sense..PEACE IS A FEELING THAT IS FELT IN EVERY THING WE DO, be it breathing, walking etc. Once you reach that stage, you are enlightened. But most importantly YOU ARE FREE..THAT IS WHAT PEACE IS ALL ABOUT..BEING FREE!!
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