Monday, 18 May 2020


In my previous blog I have talked about the social impacts of this COVID-19 pandemic. If you have not read it, please read it first and then comeback to this article. The link for the previous blog is given below.

 A you know minimalism is not just about material possession. It is a mindset that can be applied in every aspect of a person's life. This pandemic has brought human living to the mere sustenance level. Minimalism is all about sustenance after all..


rich dad poor dad book, samsung galaxy E5
Let's first look into sustenance minimalism. It simply means bringing into our life things (or more popularly STUFF) that are necessary for physical and mental existence. Nothing more and nothing less.With people buying supplies in bulk resulting in empty shelves in shops, majority have been forced to accept such a mindset. The economic scenario also helped people adopt this kind of minimalism. I have mentioned mental stuff as well because mental well being is crucial during this hard time..


rupees photo
Financial minimalism is another concept that many people have learned the hard way during this pandemic. With unemployment rates high and people living off their emergency funds, this is the only option they have been left with. When the pandemic recedes, many people will keep dear the lessons they have learned and respect money a lot more. This single mindset can transform individuals and catapult them to financial independence.


sunset photography
Just four months earlier people had different kinds of worries. Today, they are just happy to be alive and being able to spend time with their families. All those worries seem meaningless now. Indeed many other worries have taken their place but they are all basic- related to health, food and shelter, just like the old times.

In just a short span of time 3,00,000 people have lost their lives. Their struggles have made the entire human race awake. We have been pushed back years in time. The path of recovery is long and hard. Minimalism defines human race today. Sustenance is the key today, be it the rich or the poor. This pandemic has been a great uniting force. Fancy cars, luxury homes, branded clothing and accessories, all such things have lost the battle against hot meal, family time and bank balance to sustain a simple life. This is minimalism for you during this pandemic.

Here are some selected topics for you to read next-

Links for the items seen in the images-

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki- 

Friday, 15 May 2020


We have always taken our lives for granted. Going out, meeting with friends, watching the children play in the parks and many other things felt good but was not something that made our heart skip a beat. We enjoyed living paycheque to paycheque. We took our lives as it was for granted. Those days are now a distant happy memory.

               Today, after more than 2,50,000 innocent lives lost, our meaning of being alive has changed completely. The meaning of humans being a social being has changed completely. Everything that seemed impossible just four months back is a reality now. And everything that seemed normal just four months back, is now out of bounds. Who had thought that final year examinations can be cancelled for students and every one getting passed without exams? The entire meaning of human survival has changed. The meaning of being alive has changed.

               WELCOME to a NEW world, a CHANGED world. In this new world taboos have become social norms. Meaning of spending time with family has changed. The concept of large social gatherings have become alien. Getting into crowded public transport is unimaginable. Spending money on show off possessions is unacceptable. Importance of savings is paramount. Financial minimalism and essentialism is the go to agenda for everyone.

The joy in a cheerful handshake. The feeling of hugging a loved one. The soothing feeling of wiping tears with hands. The happiness of sharing a lunch box with friends. The simple sense of a physical touch. We will miss them. We will cherish them in our hearts.

            We have sacrificed a lot for this life in mask and gloves. In a weird way we are happy amid all this because, after all, we are alive. We are not among the ill fated 2,50,000 souls. This is our new reality. Anger, hatred, jealousy are now things of the past. We are just grateful that we are alive. With a hope that in the distant future we will see good days. Hopefully those days come before good days become a forgotten memory.


Here are some suggestions for you to read next..

FAKE NEWS- 5 Steps To Deal with It And Learn Ethical Use Of Internet

Today we are living in the age of opinions. Everyone of us ( well not everyone) has the privilege to form an opinion and then share it with ...