Wednesday, 11 September 2019


Success is not a destination, it is a journey. This statement tells it all. We should not think success is a point in our lives, rather its life in itself. People often tend to associate success with luxuries and ease of living. They think it is the only way to be happy. But all of it is not true. There are billionaires who, as normal people think should be happy, but they suffer from regret and solitude. Thus considering that being on the top is all luxuries is a false notion in a whole.

Financial success is the most sought after success in the modern era. This has a popular trend. People associate financial success with luxuries, extravagance etc. But financial freedom is more important than financial success. And this is not a destination, rather it is a daily hustle. The hustle is the hard work that is needed to maintain that all, or else it would fade away soon enough. This hustle keeps the one with financial success aware of the difficulties and generates a feeling that keeps him/her humble. We often come across many individuals who have hefty sum as their bank balance but are very frugal and down to Earth. This is because they appreciate struggle. They know that no person is different, just the struggles for each one of us is. 

This appreciation for hard work and the process of success is not confined to the financial arena only. It's in every field. People who have hard struggles in life appreciate life. They take their struggles as building and teaching sessions that life provides for free. This makes them appreciative of others who have gone through the same. At this level of intelligence, competition and jealousy vanishes. People become humble because they have been taught to be humble by life, and we know life is the best teacher out there. 

Some individuals after getting success often think that they have achieved what they were destined to achieve. They start absorbing the glory that comes with success and in turn forget the hardships of life. They get the notion that they are now at the center of the universe and the entire universe is revolving around them. This is what kicks most of the individuals back down and they fall hard. It's life's way of teaching humility. Fame and glory are short lived , it requires continuous hustle with life to keep and maintain a position because nothing is stagnant. People who get it become leaders. They know the overnight success is a myth because it never lasts.

Now you must get that you are and never will be the center of the universe. There will always be someone who will work hard and leap a mile higher. The thing that is most important to keep leaping is to realise the fact that success is working each and every day. This makes individuals frugal. The realisation of not being at the center would enable one to be down to Earth person. We can pull out any example from the pack of people we know as successful and we will get one thing in common, that is they all have a down to earth personality. They may be surrounded by luxuries but they have never forgotten who they really are and what they had to sacrifice to be there. They appreciate struggle and hard work.

 Keep your head down and keep learning. A down to earth personality is rare, soo is frugality, but they both are gems that every one appreciates and respects..Hustle in life never ends but being down to earth sure does help..


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