Sunday, 1 September 2019


We only have one planet to live in. We depend heavily on its environment for our survival needs. Without it we would not have been able to survive. The simple way to express the importance can be by saying that everything that nature provides us like light, air, water etc are priceless.

People are well aware of the importance of nature, yet they turn a blind eye to all the problems that the nature is suffering because of them. There are numerous indications around us that show us that our environment is getting sick day by day. The government is under pressure to maintain the development of the nation but in a sustainable way. But we have seen that the trickle down effect is almost never upto the point. Hence it is in our hands to implement the ideology of environmental protection in our daily lives. We are 1.3 billion people. Imagine the impact a simple change of ideology can have on the environment.

Talking about ideological change we must not assume it to be some serious dedication. It simply means that we should keep the safety of our environment in mind while carrying out our daily chores. A simple change in choice can benefit the environment in a large way. 

The season of festivals have approached. As per hindu traditions almost every household observes puja of the God or Goddess they believe in. For this purpose they buy idols. The market for idols shines as the demand gets high. To meet this high demand sculptors have developed the method of making idols using POP. POP stands for plaster of paris. The idols make of POP have several benefits over the traditional clay idols. They are quick drying, durable, easy to work on, look beautiful and can be made in a short time. But most importantly they are quite cheap because it involves less amount of work. Amid all these benefits the concern for the environment receives no importance. POP is non biodegradable. The custom of bisharjan of idols in the water bodies has contributed to water pollution and marine habitat destruction. POP remains at the bottom of water bodies and hamper the natural process of sedimentation. The clay idols melt in the water and itself gets deposited as sediment but the POP idols remain there for decades.

Humans are economical creatures. This very reason has contributed to the increasing popularity of POP idols. The sight of clay idols is rare today. A single person can make hundreds of POP idols but the clay idols require craftmanship and time. If we make a simple choice of choosing clay idols over POP ones we can create jobs as well as protect the environment. The POP idols usually have artificial colours that again harm the environment. There are ample reasons to avoid POP idols. Thus we require awareness and a simple change in ideology to curb this problem. Environment is in our hands. It's our choice to keep our home clean and green. This festive season take a pledge to avoid POP idols at any cost. This simple step can change our world for better because in the end we only have this single planet in the entire universe to survive.

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