Sunday, 14 July 2019


In life we all run behind an aim which we think can give us the satisfaction we seek.In the race towards that point we forget to understand the deep wisdom that the journeys have to offer. The destination is important because without having a fixed goal we cannot live a fulfilling life. But the journeys are more important. The journeys which consist of ups and downs, Success and failure,have a lot to teach us. These are the experiences that matter and enrich our lives.

The journey towards a goal has many mesmerising events. One experiences many bitter truths. He/she learns the importance of living, and most important being the satisfaction that living for others has to offer. We call these as experiences. They are important because life does not stop when one reaches ones goal. It goes on. The wisdom that we have accumulated help in the journey that's ahead. It enables us to choose wisely and set achievable goals. One who learns from the experiences can avoid making the same mistakes and can in turn leap ahead in the race called LIFE.  

We feel happy when we achieve our goal. But when we reach our dream destination it does not feel that satisfying as we expected it to be. If one has not paid attention to the journey he/she has to go through to reach that dream destination , then he/she has missed the major chunk of his life and the experiences he could have gained. This would result in post success depression, when one feels aimless and looses interest in living. That is a real curse. Thus to avoid that void in the later part of life, its important we gather the courage to go ahead and pay heed to the journeys we go through, learn from them and enrich our mindset....DESTINATIONS ARE BEAUTIFUL BUT JOURNEYS ARE HEAVENLY..


  1. outstanding thought my bro

  2. Nice one #dude.. carry's really abandoned to know more about your thoughts...

    1. Thank you soo much.. really happy to read ur comment..
